The kiwifruit tree, or Actinidia Deliciosa is native of the Yangtze region of China, and was imported to Iran in the early 20th century.
plants need at least 240 frost-free days, and they're pretty susceptible to sudden drops in temperature in early autumn or late winter. They can withstand a temperature of about 10°F when fully dormant, but they're still vulnerable to sudden lower temperature and must acclimate slowly
Late winter freezes will usually kill all the buds, and possibly cause trunk splitting which severely damages the plant. Generally, if peaches, almonds and citrus can survive, so can kiwi fruits.
The Hayward cultivar needs a winter rest of 800 hours between 32°F and 45°F, whereas the needs of other cultivars vary very widely: if the winter is too mild the plant may not lose its leaves and subsequently fail to flower
Choosing a site for kiwifruit
The best site to plant a kiwi fruit tree in in moderately sunny place, where they can ramble across a trellising system. They will tolerate a light shade, if needed. Vines should be protected from strong winds, since they can snap off new growth
The soil should be acidic, with a pH of about 5-6.5, rich in organic matter and not too salty. If the soil is too basic, leaves will show nitrogen deficiency
Water is fundamental to kiwifruit
plants: they should be planted on a well drained soil and watered constantly, especially in summer when they usually undergo the most stress. Water is the single most important cause of kiwifruit
tree exfoliation: leaves will usually turn brown and fall off if the plant has to endure constant stress.
trees need a lot of nitrogen, especially in the early season, so add a nitrogen-rich fertilizer early on. Adding nitrogen in late season may cause the fruit to store poorly, so it's a best practice to avoid overdoing it. Early fertilizations can be done with an avocado tree fertilizer, while watering well, around March. Subsequent fertilization can be done in early summer.
Mulching is also recommended, using manure or straw, even though the mulch should not come in direct contact with the vine
Pruning is very important for adequate fruiting: since the vine usually grows on a wire or t-bar system, it shold be pruned where it forms a "pigtail" shape, at the end of the growth spurt.
How to plant a kiwi fruit Vine
You can purchase a kiwi fruit seeds in a store, and plant them in spring, in a moist planted (but not soaking with water). In about 5 weeks, the seeds will germinate: at that point they will need grafting to allow for better plants and to produce known sex plants.
If you intend to purchase a grown plant, it is slightly better to choose the cutting grown (the other choice being a grafted plant), since it usually withstands winter freezes better.
Pests and diseases are not a big problem to kiwifruit
plants, since the soil they grow on is not usually home to pests. However, the plant attracts animals like cats (that love to rub against new shoots, damaging them), deer, garden snails and gophers. Be wary of root-rot nematodes that may weaken the plant, especially in its young stage
kiwi fruit should be harvested around mid-november, when the seeds are completely black. It can then be stored in a plastic bag, inside a refrigerator, where it can last up to several months. It can also be further ripened if kept in a plastic bag, at ambient temperature